This section is free at the moment and open to any posters, however, we reserve the right to change this at any time.
Users may use this section to advertise their products and services, excessive product spamming here or elsewhere in the forum will be deleted without consultation and may get you banned if you continue to do it.
Plant and construction accept no liability, nor offer any form of warranty whatsoever , nor can guarantee the authenticity of any vendor posting in this section.
At all times it will be the buyers responsibility to establish the validty of the product or service or the individual before proceeding with any transaction. You should keep records of PM's Emails etc to satisfy yourself that any trade conducted is of a bona fide nature.
Sellers must at all times offer an accurate description of a product. Threads relating to items for sale are not editable,to prevent alteration of detail and/or specification.... so be sure and clear of any facts before you post about an item.
Use the messenger system to swap personal details such as mobile numbers, do not post them publicly for your own peace of mind.
This is not a final list of rules and will augmented from time to time